Bill Hoyt

My Journey
My physical journey led from the East Coast, through the Midwest, to the West Coast of the United States.

My cultural journey began with my roots firmly planted in the white, middle class soil of New England. I have been enriched through the years by exposure to and involvement with the African-American community, Hispanic and Filipino cultures in the United States. For more than a decade I have grown in my understanding of cross-cultural communication and relationships through significant involvement in Asia, particularly Vietnam and Japan. I am energized by understanding people in the context of their culture, be it regional, ethnic or corporate.

My vocational journey began in the field of corrections working with juvenile offenders. I came to believe that effecting real change in people’s lives required a holistic approach that included addressing their spiritual needs. I left corrections for full time Christian ministry where I provided pastoral leadership to congregations in South Dakota, Minnesota and Southern California. I believe health and productivity flow from who we are – and that we cannot fully understand who we are without spiritual roots. I celebrate with those who discover the serenity and power of living.