What Can We Learn From Apple?

Here goes. I know I am going to make some enemies, but I can’t stop myself.  I am about to incite a powerful army of zealots.  Many will shake their heads in disbelief at my ignorance and naiveté and look at me with pity.  Some will choose to shun me from this day forward.  A few will become defensive and attack me.  I know all this, but I can’t stop myself.

A couple of months ago the President of the organization for which my wife, Gwyn, raises money decided that everyone on staff would switch to Macs.  Soon a stylish box containing a sleek, white computer arrived at our home.  Continue reading

The Futurity of Present Events

Ministry and mission are not done in a vacuum. They are always carried out in specific context and affected by local, national and increasingly, global contextual factors. Understanding the context of ministry is not optional for 21st century leaders. While we know a great deal about the inside of congregations, church leaders often have limited understanding of the external factors that are reshaping mission and ministry. Trying to lead without both inside and outside information is like a bird trying to fly with only one wing.
Peter Drucker often spoke of “the futurity of present events.” That is, Continue reading